What is Ortho-Bionomy for me?
I came across Ortho-Bionomy in 2006 when I was suffering neck pain. After receiving a few sessions, I was amazed with the results it had on my body physically as well as emotionally. Receiving Ortho-Bionomy helped me realised who I was and who I wasn’t, it changed my posture and the way I saw my-self inside and outside. I became more confident emotionally and physically and the neck pain I carried for a few years disappeared.
Being a sport enthusiast I discovered that receiving regular Ortho-Bionomy sessions and practicing self-care made a huge difference in my performance and in the way I recovered from training. As my body adjusted itself, my foundation became more stable and as the weeks went by I felt stronger as well more flexible. I had a new set of tools to understand my body better and to quickly overcome physical and emotional challenges experienced through my sports and through life.
Ortho-Bionomy is an intelligent form of body work which can address EVERY part of our being. By learning more about the principles – structure governs function and the body follows the natural laws which means that it has an inherent capacity for self-healing and self-regulating – and applying them I can see a world of possibilities opening in front of me. By following what the body says we can find what the body needs and every session will be different and tailored to what is present and required at that point in time. And with this way of being comes healing and change. I feel I live Ortho-Bionomy rather than practice this technique. I practice presence and follow the principles and every time magic happens!
And every time it changes me too.