Why is it important to be aware of your pelvic floor muscles?

A healthy pelvic floor can help you breath better, improve your posture, help your digestion and make you feel strong and grounded. Last year I picked up a French book titled Périnée arrêtons le massacre meaning Perineum stop the massacre by Dr Bernadette de Gasquet and this was the start of a long journey of discovery about the pelvic

Why is it important to be aware of your pelvic floor muscles? Read More »

Anatomy for Yogis

A 2-day course for yoga teachers and experienced yogis who want to understand the human anatomy on a deeper level. Dates: Sunday 5th and 12th of November 2017, 9am – 5pm at The Yoga Shack, Toronto. Wednesday 15th November, 12pm-2pm – visit the Wet Lab at Newcastle University. Prices:  Early Bird Price: $290 (ends Oct 29th)   Full Price: $340 (after

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How touch influences our brain and can help improve our proprioception and kinesthetic awareness? And why does it matter?!

What is proprioception? Proprioception is our ability to feel where we are in space. Without proprioception we couldn’t scratch our nose because we wouldn’t know where it is in space. Proprioception happens thanks to sensory receptors (proprioceptors) which are found in our joints, muscles and fascia. These proprioceptors are sending information to our brains about

How touch influences our brain and can help improve our proprioception and kinesthetic awareness? And why does it matter?! Read More »

Aromatherapy and meditation to support the therapist

          ‘Burn out’ are quite frequent in a service-based industry. Practitioners can get trapped in giving a lot to others and forgetting about themselves. It is important as a therapist to learn how to receive and how to centre ourselves before we start a session. Meditation and aromatherapy can help us achieve

Aromatherapy and meditation to support the therapist Read More »

Stretching or not stretching that is the question?

Does stretching really increase our flexibility? What is happening when we stretch? When a muscle is taken into a stretch the proprioceptors (nerve endings that relay information to the nervous system) are sending a message to the brain telling our muscle to contract to resist the stretch. This is what we call the stretch reflex.

Stretching or not stretching that is the question? Read More »